Our Legislative Advocate Update
The appropriations suspense files were released on Thursday, May 19th, and we are excited to see two of our sponsored bills (AB 1868 & SB 952) moving forward. Unfortunately, AB […]
The appropriations suspense files were released on Thursday, May 19th, and we are excited to see two of our sponsored bills (AB 1868 & SB 952) moving forward. Unfortunately, AB […]
The Governor presented a May Revision budget with a $97.5 billion surplus which includes funding for Proposition 98 and Proposition 2, leaving approximately $49 billion surplus for discretionary spending. The […]
Sponsored Legislation: AB 1701 (Medina) Jump Start Program – creates a five-year grant to the California State University (CSU) system to increase student enrollment in bilingual authorization programs through recruitment and […]
AB 1701 (Medina) Jump Start Program– creates a five-year grant to the California State University (CSU) system to increase student enrollment in bilingual authorization programs through recruitment and retention of […]
This upcoming webinar will take place on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 from 4pm to 5pm and will present concrete examples of programs from high school through teacher preparation to increase […]
We extend our congratulations to Martha Zaragoza–Díaz on her upcoming retirement and thank her for 25 years of advocacy on behalf of our English learners. Martha has been focused on what is best for students […]