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Strengthening Secondary Instruction for Multilingual Students (Secondary Teachers and Coaches)

This exciting four-part customizable series will be framed by the four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focus primarily on deepening knowledge about and implementing quality teaching and learning practices for Multilingual students.Comprehensive ELD and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices are the foundational components of effective secondary schools for meeting EL needs.  Audience […]

Webinar | California’s Untapped Potential: Embracing Multilingualism for All

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Over the past half century, California has been a leader in building programs, models and policies that support multiliteracy education. Yet despite forward-looking policies, such as the voter-passed Education for a Global Society initiative, the first State Seal of Biliteracy (now adopted by all 50 states), our assets-based CA English Learner Roadmap policy, the Global […]

CalNEW Webinar #5: District Academic Programs


Leading independent consultants will provide schemas, principles, ideas, and resources for approaching newcomer academic programming at the district level.

Leading School Improvement with English Learners at the Heart: The English Learner Roadmap for Administrators


Administrators are the linchpin of implementation - the leader who articulates urgency, the ears and eyes to assess what needs to be done for English learners, the supporter for teacher and staff engaged in the hard work of changing practices, a cheerleader and critical friend, a reminder to keep the focus on students, and the […]

Personalizing Your EL Professional Learning for Secondary Educators (County Office and District Personnel)


This trainer of trainers has been specifically designed to support secondary site administrators, TOSAs, and coaches with limited time to support educators’ knowledge and implementation of Integrated and Designated ELD. Unlike a traditional TOT, this session will not be designed to replicate the EL RISE! secondary offerings - this TOT is designed to provide professional […]

From Data to Action: Strengthening District Responses to Long Term English Learners

Tulare County Office of Education

With the November 2024 release of the California School Dashboard, Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) are now included as a new student group. This means that education leaders and community members can now view how LTELs in their school districts and schools are performing across a variety of indicators. This one-day institute is designed to strengthen […]

From Data to Action: Strengthening District Responses to Long Term English Learners

Orange County Department of Education

With the November 2024 release of the California School Dashboard, Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) are now included as a new student group. This means that education leaders and community members can now view how LTELs in their school districts and schools are performing across a variety of indicators. This one-day institute is designed to strengthen […]