Math Framework and High-Quality Instructional Materials

English learners (ELs) deserve access to the full curriculum that prepares them for success in not just English language arts, but also in math, science, social studies, the arts, and all other subjects. Unfortunately, access to rigorous coursework is still lacking for many ELs.
In July 2023, the State Board of Education approved the 2023 Mathematics Framework, updating guidance on how math instruction should be delivered and on the adoption of math instructional materials. Thanks to the joint advocacy efforts of Californians Together, Education Trust-West, and other coalition partners the Mathematics Framework includes important guidance to provide equitable access to rigorous coursework and ensure that integrated ELD is provided within Math content.
We continue to advocate for effective implementation of the Math Framework, including ensuring that the state and district adoption of math instructional materials meets the needs of ELs. Efforts focused on the adoption of instructional materials are being led through the High Quality Instructional Materials Learning Partners Coalition (HQIM-LPC), which includes Californians Together, The Education Trust–West, English Learners Success Forum, Loyola Marymount University Center for Equity for English Learners, the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, San Joaquin County Office of Education, and UnboundEd.
To learn more about the 2023 Mathematics Framework, visit the California Department of Education and the California High-Quality Instructional Materials Learning Community.
Click below to view resources from our coalition partners.
By High-Quality Instructional Materials Learning Partners Coalition
By California Curriculum Collaborative
By English Learners Success Forum
By Sobrato Early Academic Language
By Education Trust-West
By Sobrato Philanthropies
By Education Trust-West
By Loyola Marymount University