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Adoption of the 2023 Mathematics Framework: An Opportunity for English Learners

Californians Together celebrates the approval of the 2023 Mathematics Framework by the State Board of Education and its promise to better meet the needs of English learners. We are grateful to our partners at Education Trust-West and many other organizations across California for the strong partnership in advocacy to ensure that this version of the Math Framework is as strong as it is today. We are particularly pleased with the Framework’s inclusion of assets-based and culturally responsive language, and guidance for meeting the needs of English learners, including references to the ELA/ELD Framework, ELD standards, and the EL Roadmap.

With our education system preparing just three percent of ELs and 25 percent of RFEPs in 11th Grade to meet or exceed Math standards, implementation of this Framework should be urgent and a priority. In particular, there will be a need to ensure strong professional learning for educators to deliver integrated ELD within Math instruction, a review of LEA policies to ensure access to rigorous Math coursework, and strong state and LEA math material adoption processes. We are hopeful that in reviewing math instructional materials, that the State Board of Education and LEAs will consider alignment to ELD standards as a critical component in the review process. This is essential and will ensure that LEAs and educators have the materials that they need to meet the needs of ELs without requiring them to purchase or create supplemental materials down the line.

Today we celebrate, but the work continues to ensure that we do not miss the opportunity presented by the 2023 Mathematics Framework for English learners. 

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