CalNEW Webinar #1: Curriculum & Instruction
ZoomLeading newcomer education partnerships will share their curriculum and pedagogy, focused on early skills for SLIFE and integrative materials for more advanced students.
Leading newcomer education partnerships will share their curriculum and pedagogy, focused on early skills for SLIFE and integrative materials for more advanced students.
Learn about the importance of integrated English Language Development to ensure that English learners have access to rigorous Math coursework and how this is elevated in the new 2023 Math Framework. Participants will learn from promising strategies being implemented across school districts in California to support integrated ELD within Math instruction, including Azusa, USD, Delhi […]
Administrators are the linchpin of implementation - the leader who articulates urgency, the ears and eyes to assess what needs to be done for English learners, the supporter for teacher and staff engaged in the hard work of changing practices, a cheerleader and critical friend, a reminder to keep the focus on students, and the […]
This exciting four-part customizable series will be framed by the four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focus primarily on deepening knowledge about and implementing quality teaching and learning practices for Multilingual students.Comprehensive ELD and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices are the foundational components of effective secondary schools for meeting EL needs. Audience […]
Lawyers will discuss serving undocumented youth, partnership models for school districts and legal service providers, and what’s next for federal and state policy.
Advocates and school design professionals will discuss protections and rights for newcomers in public schools and share strategies for creating a safe and welcoming environment for newcomer youth.
This exciting four-part customizable series will be framed by the four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focus primarily on deepening knowledge about and implementing quality teaching and […]
Practitioner-researchers will provide information on medical care, mental health, and social services for newcomer youth.
Administrators are the linchpin of implementation - the leader who articulates urgency, the ears and eyes to assess what needs to be done for English learners, the supporter for teacher […]
Join Californians Together for a webinar about the upcoming English and Spanish publication, Family Voices: Improving Engagement and Input in Local Accountability Plans, developed by Californians Together, Alliance for a […]
This exciting four-part customizable series will be framed by the four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focus primarily on deepening knowledge about and implementing quality teaching and […]
Leading independent consultants will provide schemas, principles, ideas, and resources for approaching newcomer academic programming at the district level.