Connecting best practices for English learners, the principles of the English Learner Roadmap, and the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan.
Connecting best practices for English learners, the principles of the English Learner Roadmap, and the Local Control and Accountability Plan.
Examples of best practices for English learners as they fit into the sections of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan.
This toolkit is designed to support school communities in ensuring the academic progress of English Learners by improving our Local Control and Accountability plans (LCAPS). You can purchase a hard copy of the LCAP Toolkit here.
This Administrator English Learner Roadmap Toolkit series is designated to support administrators as they take up the challenge of leading and supporting the policy’s implementation. You can purchase a hard copy of Volume 1: Leading Implementation here.
This Administrator English Learner Roadmap Toolkit series is designated to support administrators as they take up the challenge of leading and supporting the policy’s implementation. You can purchase a hard copy of Volume 2: Creating Assets-Oriented & Student Responsive Schools here.