Professional Development
Type of Professional Development
EL RISE! Will be working with and through our 20 County Offices of Education partnering with them to build capacity within their LEAs in implementing the English Learner Roadmap policy.
As a mechanism to engage educators in learning about and discussing the new resource. They are a mix of presentation, reading, and discussion.
Superintendent’s Forum: A convening of superintendents from a particular County focusing on Principles #3 and #4 of the El Roadmap as a driver of systemic change
A professional learning session on a specific topic designed for more depth than a webinar and usually focused on practices and strategies. These may be 1-2 days. If they are two-day institutes, the days may be back-to-back or spaced apart to allow for some application to occur between the days.
ELD for Elementary Teachers and Administrators Institute A module on Integrated and Designated ELD focused – immersion in the ELD standards, understanding integration of language development and content knowledge, planning responsive Designated ELD, and learning high-leverage instructional strategies that build comprehension, support active engagement, intentionally build language, focus on all four domains of language (oracy, listening/comprehension, reading and writing).
An intensive series of “modules” over the course of two-three years that enables participants to work with increasing depth to learn and apply strategies and approaches while developing a more comprehensive and cohesive understanding of the English Learner Roadmap and best practices for English Learners.
The English Learner Roadmap Elementary Teacher Strand Similar to the Leadership/Administrator Strand, the modules of the Teacher Strand are constructed following the four Principles of the English Learner Roadmap – and follow the same basic timeline. However, the Teacher Strand focuses on classroom practices, on teaching and learning, and specific instructional strategies. Principle #1 Module (one session) engages teachers in understanding the typologies and diversity within the English Learner population and implications for classroom practices and for creating inclusive and affirming classroom environments, including working with culturally and linguistically diverse families.
Principle #2 Module: for teachers is a three-session Module on Integrated and Designated ELD – immersion in the ELD standards, understanding integration of language development and content knowledge, planning responsive Designated ELD, and learning high-leverage instructional strategies that build comprehension, support active engagement, intentionally build language, focus on all four domains of language (oracy, listening/comprehension, reading and writing). Principle #3 and #4 are the sixth session in the series, focusing on formative assessment, collaborative and reflective teacher practice.
The English Learner Roadmap Administrators Strand Begins with two modules focusing on Principle #1 of the English Learner Roadmap: “Knowing our English Learners” (typologies, data, student and community demographics, etc.), “Creating inclusive and affirming school cultures/climate”, “Assets-oriented practices”, and “Family-Community Engagement”. The series continues with two modules focusing on aspects of Principle #2 of the English Learner Roadmap: “Understanding and supporting Integrated and Designated ELD”, and “Approaches to ensuring full and meaningful access to the curriculum”. Each module of the Leadership/Administrator Strand involves participants in specifically examining their role in leading improvement processes and supporting evidence-based practice – and results in a plan for inquiry and implementation to pursue before the next module. An EL Roadmap Administrators Toolkit will provide tools, resources, and activities
Focuses on a specific task and topic, aimed at engaging participants in working through the task. Typically these are one day, and often involving teams from a school or district, the workshop offers facilitation, toolkits/workbooks, framing, and support.
EL Roadmap Aligned LCAP Toolkit Workshop: focuses on the use of research-based tools to ensure that a district’s LCAP reflects actions, services, programs, and resources that provide equitable opportunities and outcomes for English Learners, enacting the EL Roadmap