As part of state support for enacting the visionaly 2017 CA English Learner Roadmap policy, the legislature and California Department of Education funded two Educator Workforce Incentive Grants, of which EL RISE! (English Learner Roadmap Implementation for Systemic Excellence) is one.
There are three main agencies leading the work of EL RISE!: Californians Together , Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL), and Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL). Under CaliforniansTogether’s leadership, these three agencies have formed a Design Team to design research-based professional learning and to ensure coherence across the professional learning efforts for multiple roles and across the state. In addition, all three play a role in delivering professional learning opportunities and technical assistance to the field as part of this grant – drawing upon many years of designing demonstration projects, providing professional learning and technical assistance to the field of English Learner education, and creating tools and resources for implementation of research-based practices.
Over the next three years, the three agencies will work with and through 20 County Offices of Education who collectively serve 76.7% of the state’s English Learners. A basic strategy of our approach is to work with and through these County Offices of Education, partnering with them to:
- Develop their own capacity to provide direct support to LEAs in implementing the EL Roadmap policy (this is professional learning and facilitation/support for County Office staff in infusing the EL Roadmap into their ongoing work with LEAs); and
- Co-host with the Lead Agencies (Californians Together, SEAL and LMU CEEL) professional learning opportunities for LEAs related to supporting multiple roles (e.g., school administrators, district leaders, teachers, counselors, etc.) to build capacity to implement the EL Roadmap
By collaborating with these 20 County Offices of Education, we ensure alignment and dissemination through the Systems of Support statewide. There are differentiated levels of involvement with the grant:
Anchor County Offices of Education represent Southern, Northern and Central Valley regions of the state. Each of these will: a) partner with selected LEAs in their region to comprehensively address all aspects of the English Learner Roadmap through sustained efforts and b) have committed to work across the departments and divisions of their County Office to build shared direction and coherence in infusing the English Learner Roadmap into work with LEAs. In addition, customized plans for professional learning to be delivered and available to all LEAs in their region will be developed. Because of this intensive focus, our work with these Anchor County Offices will generate tools, models and resources to be shared throughout the field.
Four Anchors County Offices of Education
Partner County Offices of Education will work with the three Lead Agencies to design a customized plan for the professional learning to be delivered in their county, will co-host (with Lead Agencies) those capacity building opportunities and will dedicate staff to facilitating Communities of Practice as ongoing support for implementation.
Participating County Offices of Education will participate in online sessions on new
- Butte
- Imperial
- King
- Merced
- Orange
- San Joaquin
- Solano
- Stanislaus