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The District English Learner Administrator Advocacy Network: Championing Multilingual Education Across California 

Over the last year, Californians Together has leveraged its 25+ years of advocacy for English learner education to support a new statewide network of EL administrators. This network is committed to advocating for changes at both local and state levels to improve policies and practices for multilingual learners. The cohort, made up of district-level administrators responsible for leading EL programs and services in their respective LEAs, is the first of its kind, with representing over 40 district/local education agencies (LEAs)  from the Central Valley to the Central Coast, San Diego to the Bay Area and everywhere in between.  

The group gathered on June 20-21 in San Francisco for the third of three in-person convenings, complementing four bi-monthly network calls held throughout the year. Network participants increased their knowledge of the history and policies impacting English learner education, built community with colleagues in similar roles, and, guided by California’s English Learner Roadmap Policy, strategized potential ways to strengthen systems to more equitably serve California’s 1.1 million English learners, leveraging the collective wisdom within the network.

The group is committed to continuing engagement in the coming year and exploring the possibility of expanding membership to new cohorts in the future.

“This experience has allowed me to connect with a network of colleagues who understand the demands of advocating for multilingual students at the district level. This group shares knowledge, resources, and experiences specific to our roles. Not to mention, being part of a statewide committee of administrators has been invaluable. Together, we are working towards common goals, supporting each other, and positively impacting the lives of multilingual learners throughout the state.”

-DELAAN network participant’

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