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Support Proposition 58: The LEARN Initiative

Many of us are familiar with the EdGE (Education for a Global Economy) initiative, well it now has a new name.  Proposition 58 is the ballot initiative now renamed as the LEARN initiative.  LEARN stands for Language Education Acquisition Readiness Now.

Californians Together and CABE are working with the official Yes on 58 campaign to secure endorsements for the LEARN Initiative from school boards, organizations and individuals. We would appreciate your efforts to help us achieve our goal of at least 40 district endorsements by the end of August and at least 20 endorsements from other organizations. Simply emailing these documents out to friends is not enough. We urge you to follow-up with personal communication face to face or at least by phone.

The attached packet provides background and sample resolutions. If you are able to secure an endorsement, please send a copy of the completed and signed endorsement document to the two individuals listed in the packet. If you have questions please contact Peter Schilla at [email protected] or call him at (916)343-1537.  You may also contact Shelly Spiegel Coleman at [email protected] or 562-756-0493.

Together we can win in November and see a bright new future for high quality multilingual programs for all students.

Click here to download attachment.

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