The State of English Learners

We are a multilingual California.
1.1 million
English learners are enrolled in California’s TK-12 public schools
40 percent
of students come from a home where another language other than English is spoken
140+ languages
are represented by our students and their families
The State of English Learners in California, a report by Californians Together, dives deep into a variety of data sources to answer questions about who our state’s 1.1 million English learners are, how they are being served in the education system, and what state and local leaders can do to better serve their needs.
In this report, Californians Together summarize key demographic and outcome data for English learners. It highlights the significant work ahead of educators, advocates, and policy makers to ensure that California’s education system provides access for all current and former English learners and sets a vision for the outcomes that our system should produce by the end of this decade.
Our students possess valuable strengths in their cultures and languages that must be celebrated and form the basis for improvements in our public education system.
The State of English Learners examines:
- key demographic data for California English learners
- achievement data
- data focused on attainment of the State Seal of Biliteracy and dual language immersion programs
- access to rigorous coursework and a well-rounded education for EL and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students in California
- the idea that, to succeed in school, multilingual learners need to have their basic needs met
- the critical role well-prepared educators play in ensuring equitable access to a quality education for ELs
- the improvements that need to be made in California’s accountability system to ensure transparency, high expectations, and goals focused on closing gaps for ELs