Dr. Anya Hurwitz is the Executive Director of SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language). She has a longstanding commitment to creating the conditions for public schools to meet the diverse needs of their students’ academic and socio-emotional development. Dr. Hurwitz has worked as a teacher, school leader, district administrator, and within the educational nonprofit sector. The early part of her career was in New York City where she helped start a small secondary school in the Bronx and later became a Network Leader within the NYC Department of Education to a diverse group of 24 schools, preschool through early college. In 2010, she moved to northern California and began working as an educational consultant supporting district and school leaders as they planned and implemented strategic reform efforts.
Dr. Hurwitz joined the SEAL team in 2014 as Deputy Director and became Executive Director in 2017. She has a masters from Teacher College, Columbia University, and a doctorate in educational leadership from UC Berkeley.