Long Beach, CA — Californians Together announces the publication of Teaching and Learning During Uncertain Times: A Review of Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans, a new report which draws upon a comprehensive review of Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans (LCPs) from 41 school districts. The report aims to inform school district decision-making as they develop their upcoming 2021–24 Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs), and highlights the need for them to prioritize English learners (ELs)—some of California’s most historically marginalized students and among the most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In reviewing these plans we were able to identify areas for improvement while also finding promising practices that we hope school districts will use as examples of what can be done. Districts have made progress toward digital inclusion and accessibility, but there are still many inequalities to address—these inequities will only worsen without meaningful commitments from educators and district leadership,” says Martha Hernández, Executive Director of Californians Together.
In late June 2020, California replaced the 2020-21 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) as a response to the pandemic. The purpose was to provide information about how districts planned to invest state resources to address student learning and school safety during the COVID-19 crisis in the 2020–21 school year. The plans, which were drafted with stakeholder input and locally approved by school boards, provide a unique view of how well district approaches to distance learning this year centered equity for ELs and other students. However, while conducting the study, Californians Together did not review the implementation of the activities in the plans.
The districts included in the study were chosen to represent a wide range of communities and settings across the state. For instance, the selected districts spanned 21 counties and enrolled 27 percent of all California K–12 students, as well as 34 percent of the state’s ELs. Californians Together reviewers rated districts’ LCPs across seven focus areas. Each of these focus areas was broken up into three to five elements:
- Family Collaboration
- Continuity of Learning for Equitable Access
- Assessment and Progress Monitoring for Student Achievement
- Educator Professional Development (PD)
- English Language Development (ELD)
- Responsiveness to EL Profiles
- Social-Emotional and Mental Health Support
In addition, the report contains recommendations for state policy and local implementation while highlighting what could be addressed in upcoming three-year LCAPs.
To read the full report visit: http://caltog.co/lcp
About Californians Together
Californians Together is a statewide advocacy coalition of powerful organizations from all segments of the education community including teachers, administrators, board members, parents and civil rights non-profit groups. Our member organizations come together around the goal of better educating 1.1 million English learners by improving California’s schools and promoting equitable educational policy.
Media Contact: Ashley Aguirre ashley@bashful-leather.flywheelstaging.com