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New Year, New Laws

New year, new laws! Bills that we sponsored last year are now in effect and we are thrilled to see their impact throughout the year. Here are a few more new laws being implemented this year:

  • AB 934 Muratsuchi – Requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to create a campaign to increase awareness of public school teaching as a career path in California. It also includes creating and distributing public service announcements about teaching to high school and college students.
  • SB 274 Skinner – Prohibits students fifth- through 12th-grade from being suspended for willful defiance until July 1, 2029. It also extends the ban on willful defiance suspensions for sixth through eighth grades until July 1, 2029.
  • SB 765 Portantino – Temporarily increases the amount teachers can earn post-retirement so they can return to the classroom to take teaching positions that districts otherwise can’t fill. Retired teachers can earn 70% of the median final compensation of all California State Teachers Retirement members who retired the previous year, instead of the current 50%.
  • Screening for Risk of Reading Difficulties – Requires universal screening for reading difficulties for students K-2.

We are proud of our continued partnership with our coalition partners to ensure valuable legislation is moving forward. We are very excited about our partnership with CABE to push forward two pieces of legislation to ensure the successful implementation of the EL Roadmap from a statewide approach and at the local educational agencies, with a focus on parent engagement. Details and specific language to follow. We appreciate your continued support in helping us to bring important policies like these to the forefront!

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