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Californians Together offers professional learning to build school administrator and leader capacity to support implementation of the California English Learner Roadmap policy.

Remaining true to our vision of an assets-based education system, our professional development is informed by the understanding that systemic change is needed to truly improve learning. Implementing and scaling systemic change must begin with leadership; therefore, our professional learning will also start with leadership teams. From evaluating local needs to promoting sustainable practices, we are committed to ensuring that our professional learning initiatives are comprehensive and ongoing rather than a singular experience.

Our professional development offerings can be tailored to meet the needs of site leadership teams (including lead teachers and counselors), district leadership teams (comprising district office staff and representatives from school sites), and other educational leaders, such as any site or district personnel who would benefit from a deeper understanding of the California English Learner Roadmap.

We aim to collaborate with your leadership teams, share our expertise, and support you in effectively advancing the California English Learner Roadmap. Two customizable training options are available below. Training is available on a priority basis, and while our dedicated team is small, we are committed to serving as many schools and districts as possible!

Once we’ve started working with your leadership team, you can request additional professional development or coaching for other audiences; your leadership team will be active members in the design process. We look forward to working with you to design truly meaningful and sustainable support systems to put the California English Learner Roadmap into practice for your students.

To get started, please fill out the form below.