A High School Counselor’s Toolkit for English Learner Success
Implementing the English Learner Roadmap
Californians Together is a statewide advocacy coalition from the education community whose goal is to better educate 1.1 million English learners by improving California’s schools and promoting equitable educational policy.
“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” – John Lewis

Policy Priorities
Our Policy Advocacy focuses on the success of English learners and Dual language learners.Learn More › -
Our projects address current issues and build the next generation of English learner advocates.Learn More › -
Browse our extensive collection of free publications and webinars for educators.Learn More ›
Our literacy policy must have a focus on student-responsive teaching. Multiliteracy is the way of the future, particularly for our diverse state in the 21st century. It must be a cornerstone of literacy/biliteracy education policy in California.
Martha Hernandez, Executive Director, Californians Together
Californians Together is strong thanks to your generosity. Please consider donating to help us advocate for our state’s multilingual learners.