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Webinar | California’s Untapped Potential: Embracing Multilingualism for All

February 12 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm PST

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Over the past half century, California has been a leader in building programs, models and policies that support multiliteracy education. Yet despite forward-looking policies, such as the voter-passed Education for a Global Society initiative, the first State Seal of Biliteracy (now adopted by all 50 states), our assets-based CA English Learner Roadmap policy, the Global California 2030 blueprint, and a CA Master Plan for Early Learning that centralizes dual language learners, few English learner students have access to dual language education and still only a small percent of students graduate with the Seal of Biliteracy. Is it time to consider what it might take to ensure multiliteracy education for all students as preparation for participation and leadership in a multiliteracy global society?

Join us for this webinar which will share the findings and recommendations from two timely reports Bilingual Education and America’s Future: Evidence and Pathways and Meeting its Potential: A Call and Guide for Universal Access to Bilingual Education in California from The UCLA Civil Rights Project. Authors of the reports will share their analysis of the research behind the policy proposals, and exploration of the readiness of local districts, states and our nation to move to multiliteracy policy. In addition to researchers from The UCLA Civil Rights Project, this webinar will feature leaders from California districts that are building district-wide access to multiliteracy education.

Register today.


February 12
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm PST
Event Category: